Well, I’ve done it. I’ve overstepped my commitments once again and added another responsibility to my plate. WELCOME TO AGENT OAHU LAND! Where things get written with a slant of snark in the hopes that one I make it to your first page of Google results.
Why am I doing this?
Do I really need to justify it to you? Alright, fine. It seems pretty obvious, haha. I’m a real estate agent, plus I’m a millenial, plus I’m a male. That’s a trifecta of entitled-ness that makes me believe someone else gives a damn about what I’m saying. Haha. Just kidding. I do actually feel like I can contribute to the real estate industry through this journal and share worthwhile thoughts.
What will this be about?
As you can imagine, being a real estate agent in Hawaii has its ups and downs. I’m one of 6,500-ish licensed agents, I have a side business making listings beautiful, I’m a homeowner, and I’m an avid fan of all things tech (excuse me, I have to take a call from the 90s, who apparently want their catchphrase back). Hopefully that background will give me enough content for this journal and my YouTube channel. We live in an age of content, so here’s my shot at pumping out more!
P.S. If you’re looking for my client stuff, like market updates and events, go to nickkawakami.com.
Wish me luck.
Thanks, I’ll need it. And please, give some slack as I get this thing off the ground. Hopefully it’ll last past this first post, but I’m a child of the 90s, easily distracted, and…oh…a bird!